Safety Leadership
The Poppyfish team are particularly experienced at working in engineering, science, technical services and construction businesses. Our specialist work in these areas has focused on leadership skills, leadership behaviours, strategy workshops, cultural change and especially the crucial area of safety leadership. Our work is impactful.
Safety leadership is an integral part of a company culture. Culture is a huge influence of behaviour, yet behaviour itself is a key driver of culture. It's an important loop to understand. As with our other work, we adopt a behaviourally centred methodology and work collaboratively with you to define standards, create opportunities for meaningful dialogue and to add clarity to expectations that create a culture where putting people to work safely and with care persists as a key feature of the way things are done.
We have done this work in large PLC and small businesses and see our approach as complimentary to in-house safety initiatives. Our style is to work inclusively through 1-to-1 support, workshops and learning events that bring together whole parts of the business - even those office staff whose daily decisions might seem a long way from the sharp end. We know that decisions and attitudes in pre-production can have a big impact in what happens on site.
Safety leadership matters in all parts of the business and needs to be a whole organisation commitment, and even beyond. Increasingly, this work moves us into the wider business supply chain where key contractors are recognised, consulted and included as a key part of the overall story.
We'd love to help you to make a difference.